
Russell Stubbings is the current chaplain at Oberon High School replacing Rev Kevin Booth towards the end of 2012. Russell holds tertiary qualifications in education, theology and counseling, and works full-time at the school, employed through ACCESS Ministries. The focus of the chaplaincy role is around strengthening and adding to the welfare component of the school.

Russell’s position is partially funded by the National Schools Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program (NSCSWP). The chaplaincy service is of a voluntary nature and families have the option of accepting support from the chaplain or opting out.

The school council conducts a community consultation process toward the end of the calendar year to determine on-going support for the chaplaincy program. This consultation reveals strong support for the program within our school community, and highlights the perceived value of the work of the chaplain. Feedback regarding the program can be directed to the school Principal Mr. McMahon.

The chaplain performs many duties within our school community, and is a familiar face to many students and their families. He provides individual care and support to students, parents, and staff, offering a listening ear, providing pastoral care, and guidance for dealing with a range of issues. Russell also works closely with a number of external agencies and is able to connect families with support outside the school as required.

Russell enjoys attending excursions and school camps throughout the year which provide many opportunities for connecting with students and staff. He runs small groups and programs within the school including the Boat Building program; social skills groups; and in conjunction with the Salvation Army, the Breakfast Program.

Students and families requiring support or assistance from Russell can contact him directly at school, or make an appointment through the office.